【初音ミク V4X】 Melody (英语) 【演示】
最后修改 16-10-02 16:50:12
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©来源: HatsuneMiku



Melody(English Version) Why in heavens can't you just see you mean everything to me I'd hold you when you're too cold i'd love you,hug you,everything Why couldn't you see the stars shine above me? butterflies flying about everytime you are around? When i'm within your embrace can't you hear the melody my heart would sing and send in your way You kept me hanging on if you can't even hear it,why do i keep raising the sound of this song? this wonderful melody? If you don't hear it the way I do then you don't love me the way I love you and still I don't understand can'you see me for who I am? Not for who I was years ago back then time was just too slow why cloudn't you see the way that my heart beats is not like when we were young, everytime you tag along. When I'm within your embrace can't you hear the melody me heart would sing and send in your way You kept me hanging on if you can't even hear it,why do I keep raising the sound of this song? this wonderful melody? If you don't hear it the way I do am I not enough? you looked back at me and before I cried you said.
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首先准备好解压工具, 电脑端安装 WINRAR, 手机端安装 Zarchiver 或者 ES文件管理器


1. 单一压缩文件的(可以单独下载和解压)

- 如果后缀名正常: 直接打开文件 > 输入密码 >解压文件 > 解压成功, 有的情况会有双层压缩, 再继续解压即可

- 如果需要修改后缀名: 不需要管文件原本后缀是什么,只要是压缩文件,后缀直接改成 .rar, 然后用解压工具打开,工具会自动识别正确的类型, 然后解压即可, (有的系统默认不能更改后缀名,这种情况, 要先百度下如何显示文件后缀名).

2. 多个压缩分卷文件的 (需要全部下载完毕后 才能正确解压)

- 如果后缀名正常: 只需要解压第一个分卷即可, 工具在解压过程中会自动调用其他分卷, 不需要每个分卷都解压一遍 (所以需要提前全部下载好), 不同压缩格式的第一个分卷命名是有区别的 (RAR格式的第一个分卷是叫 xxx.part1.rar , 7z格式的第一个压缩分卷是叫 xxx.001 , ZIP格式的第一个压缩分卷 就是默认的 XXX.zip ) .

- 如果是需要改后缀的情况 (比较少见): 需要把文件按顺序重新命名好才能正常解压, RAR的分卷命名格式是 xxx.part1.rar, xxx.part2.rar, xxx.part3.rar, 7z的命名格式是 xxx.001, xxx.002, xxx.003, ZIP的排序格式 xxx.zip, xxx.zip.001, xxx.zip.002

14 条评论

天天在家手冲会不会阳痿? 如何锻炼自己的牛子持久不射? :?:


那就快去“A酱的绅士玩具屋”吧, 初音社为大家申请到了限时粉丝专属价, 只有和客服A酱说是初音社来的就可以享受到优惠哦!~ :|

戳这里即可拥有>> 一个榨汁飞(lao)机(po)杯,快来我和签订契约成为绅(hen)士(tai)吧!

2024-03-09 12:12:12