【PC】dosbox-X模拟器 大家想玩的的话我可以去找点老游戏发
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©来源: https://dosbox-x.com/

DOSBox-XCross-platform DOS emulation package Complete, accurate emulation and moreWhat is DOSBox-X?
DOSBox-X is an open-source DOS emulator for running DOS applications and games.
DOS-based Windows such as Windows 3.
基于dos的Windows操作系统,如Windows 3。
x and Windows 9x are officially supported.
x和Windows 9x是官方支持的。
Look at the DOSBox-X Wiki for more information about DOSBox-X and usage guides.
有关DOSBox-X的更多信息和使用指南,请参阅DOSBox-X Wiki。
We also hope that DOSBox-X (along with DOSLIB) can aid in new DOS development.
Compared to DOSBox, DOSBox-X is much more flexible and provides more features.
与DOSBox相比,DOSBox- x更加灵活,提供了更多的功能。
DOSBox-X emulates a PC necessary for running many DOS games and applications that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems, similar to DOSBox.
DOSBox- x模拟了一台PC,它可以运行许多DOS游戏和应用程序,而这些游戏和应用程序根本无法在现代PC和操作系统上运行,类似于DOSBox。
However, while the main focus of DOSBox is for running Dos games, DOSBox-X goes much further than this.
然而,虽然DOSBox的主要焦点是运行Dos游戏,但DOSBox- x远不止于此。
Forked from the DOSBox project, it retains compatibility with the wide base of DOS games and DOS gaming DOSBox was designed for.
But it is also a platform for running Dos applications, including emulating the environments to run Windows 3.
但它也是一个运行Dos应用程序的平台,包括模拟运行Windows 3的环境。
x, 9x and Me and software written for those versions of Windows.
By adding official support for Windows 95, 98, Me emulation and acceleration, we hope that those old Windows games and applications could be enjoyed or used once more.
通过增加对Windows 95、98、Me仿真和加速的官方支持,我们希望那些旧的Windows游戏和应用程序可以再次享受或使用。
Moreover, DOSBox-X adds support for DOS/V and NEC PC-98 emulations so that you can play DOS/V and PC-98 games with it.
此外,DOSBox-X增加了对DOS/V和NEC PC-98模拟的支持,因此您可以使用它玩DOS/V和PC-98游戏。
pCompared with DOSBox, DOSBox-X focuses more on general emulation and accuracy.
与DOSBox相比,DOSBox- x更注重一般仿真和精度。
In order to help running DOS games and applications, Windows 3.
为了帮助运行DOS游戏和应用程序,Windows 3。
x/9x/Me, as well as for the purpose of historical preservation, testing and continued DOS developments, it is our desire to implement accurate emulation, accurate enough to help make new DOS developments possible with confidence the program will run properly on actual DOS systems.
DOSBox-X includes various features for different purposes (some of them ported from other projects), which are implemented as incremental changes since it was forked from DOSBox SVN Daum.
DOSBox- x包含用于不同目的的各种特性(其中一些是从其他项目移植过来的),这些特性是作为增量更改实现的,因为它是从DOSBox SVN Daum派生出来的。
DOSBox-X provides many ways to tweak and configure the DOS virtual machine, as we believe a better way to emulate the DOS platform is to give users all the options they need to emulate everything from the original IBM PC system all the way up to late 1990's configuration, whatever it takes to get your game or software package to run.
DOSBox-X提供了许多调整和配置DOS虚拟机的方法,因为我们认为模拟DOS平台的更好方法是为用户提供他们需要模拟的所有选项,从原始的IBM PC系统一直到90年代后期的配置,无论需要什么,都可以让你的游戏或软件包运行。
Our goal is to eventually make DOSBox-X a complete emulation package that covers all pre-2000 DOS and Windows 9x based system scenarios, including peripherals, motherboards, CPUs, and all manner of hardware that was made for PC hardware of that time.
我们的目标是最终使DOSBox-X成为一个完整的仿真包,涵盖所有2000年以前的DOS和基于Windows 9x的系统场景,包括外设、主板、cpu和当时为PC硬件制造的各种硬件。
Below are screenshots of some DOS programs and games running in DOSBox-X.DOSBox-X083.5, 3000 cydes/ms.
以下是一些DOS程序和游戏在dosbox . x . dosbox - x083.5上运行的截图,3000个周期/毫秒。
WORDDOSBax-X 0.83.5, 100%, TOMBاWindows 98: DOSBox-X 0.83.5, 100%, Guest OSackagesMain CPU Video Seund DOS Capture Drive File itieu neeet FornatiineMaennindoaaMain CPU Video Sound DOS Capture Drive
worddosbox - x 0.83.5, 100%, TOMBاWindows 98: DOSBox-X 0.83.5, 100%, Guest OSackagesMain CPU Video sed DOS Capture Drive File itieet formatiinemaenindoamain CPU Video sed DOS Capture Drive

好评如潮 100%

首先准备好解压工具, 电脑端安装 WINRAR, 手机端安装 Zarchiver 或者 ES文件管理器


1. 单一压缩文件的(可以单独下载和解压)

- 如果后缀名正常: 直接打开文件 > 输入密码 >解压文件 > 解压成功, 有的情况会有双层压缩, 再继续解压即可

- 如果需要修改后缀名: 不需要管文件原本后缀是什么,只要是压缩文件,后缀直接改成 .rar, 然后用解压工具打开,工具会自动识别正确的类型, 然后解压即可, (有的系统默认不能更改后缀名,这种情况, 要先百度下如何显示文件后缀名).

2. 多个压缩分卷文件的 (需要全部下载完毕后 才能正确解压)

- 如果后缀名正常: 只需要解压第一个分卷即可, 工具在解压过程中会自动调用其他分卷, 不需要每个分卷都解压一遍 (所以需要提前全部下载好), 不同压缩格式的第一个分卷命名是有区别的 (RAR格式的第一个分卷是叫 xxx.part1.rar , 7z格式的第一个压缩分卷是叫 xxx.001 , ZIP格式的第一个压缩分卷 就是默认的 XXX.zip ) .

- 如果是需要改后缀的情况 (比较少见): 需要把文件按顺序重新命名好才能正常解压, RAR的分卷命名格式是 xxx.part1.rar, xxx.part2.rar, xxx.part3.rar, 7z的命名格式是 xxx.001, xxx.002, xxx.003, ZIP的排序格式 xxx.zip, xxx.zip.001, xxx.zip.002

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2024-03-09 12:12:12